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Ley Seca Elecciones Diciembre 2023 Chile

Chile to Hold Crucial Plebiscite on December 17th

Upcoming Vote to Determine New Constitution

Citizens to Participate in Key Electoral Process

Santiago de Chile, Chile - On December 17th, 2023, Chile will hold a pivotal Plebiscito Constitucional (Constitutional Plebiscite), giving millions of citizens the opportunity to weigh in on the nation's proposed new constitution.

This crucial vote is a culmination of a year-long process that began with the election of a Constitutional Convention in 2022. The Convention, composed of elected delegates from diverse backgrounds, has spent months drafting and debating a new constitutional framework for Chile.

The proposed constitution, if approved, would introduce significant changes to Chile's political and social landscape. It would establish a new set of rights and responsibilities, including broader protections for the environment, education, and healthcare. It would also reshape the structure of government, introducing a more decentralized and participatory model.

The Plebiscite will be held under strict guidelines, including a "ley seca" (dry law) prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol starting 8 PM on December 16th until 8 AM on December 18th. Voting is mandatory for eligible citizens, with potential fines for those who fail to participate.

The outcome of the Plebiscite is highly anticipated, as it will determine the future path of Chile's constitutional and political development. Citizens are encouraged to exercise their democratic right and cast their vote in this historic electoral process.
